
Clone your Project

With things properly configured, you can now clone your project.

First confirm you are in the correct directory:


This should print /home/nhcarrigan, of course replacing nhcarrigan with your username. This should not be /root (if it is, make sure you are logged in as your user account).

Now clone the repository into the directory. Note that you need to use the HTTPS url, not the SSH url, as you haven't authenticated git. If you are deploying a private repository, you will need to authenticate git or use another method for pulling your files into the VM.

By default, git will clone the repository into a directory with the repository's name. If you want a different directory name, replace (name) with the name you want the directory to take.

git clone <https url, NOT ssh url> (name)

Switch to the repository directory.

cd <repo folder (same as repo name)>